Dental facility in Iloilo serving patients since 2019

Brighten Your

Smile with Iloilo’s Top Dental Expert

From Fast Braces to Whitening - Quality Care for Every Age

Dental facility in Iloilo serving patients since 2019

Brighten Your

Smile with Iloilo’s Top Dental Expert

From Fast Braces to Whitening - Quality Care for Every Age

About Dr. Karla Mercado, D.D.S.

Doc K.C. Mercado. A licensed dentists committed to service growth.

Started to work in Makati with almost 2 years experience working with company's 100+ Ortho patients a day and dreamt of starting a practice in her hometown.

She came back before pandemic strikes. Improving the old fashion ways of dentistry to moderno-traditional approach.

Adding more dental possibilities in serving patients.

Started to have dental staffs to work on, associate doctors and utilize a better diagnostic approach of every dental cases as with provision of radiographic machines In various dental treatment such as root canal treatment , cosmetic dentistry with veneers and etc.

Comprehensive approach is the clinic goal in taking care of their patients, letting them learn about their dental case, treatment plan and what the patients needs in overall dental care.

From solo practice to 5-6 dental staffs and associates as they grow and improve time by time. A profession that is a God blessing to care for a mission.

Jeshamin Paras - D.A

Ms. Jv Eilha Bernabe - D. A.

Mrs.Glenda Maula D.A.

Dental Services


Treatment that straightens teeth and corrects jaw alignment using braces or clear aligners, enhancing both function and appearance of your smile.

Family Dentistry

General dental care for all family members, providing everything from routine cleanings to fillings, ensuring overall dental health across all ages


A specialty focused on treating the inside of the tooth, especially root canal treatments, to relieve pain and save teeth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

Dental Surgery

Procedures that include tooth extractions, gum surgery, and other operations needed to treat various dental conditions and improve oral health.

Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentistry

Dental work that improves the appearance of your teeth, gums, and smile. Common procedures include whitening, shaping, and closing spaces between teeth.

Veneers Hollywood Smile Makeover

Thin coverings placed over the front part of the teeth to improve color, shape, and positioning in the mouth, creating a perfect, movie-star smile

Dental Bleaching/Whitening

A cosmetic treatment that uses bleaching agents to make teeth whiter and remove stains, enhancing the brightness of your smile.

Prosthodontic Crowns and Prosthesis

Custom-made caps placed over teeth to restore their shape, size, strength, and appearance, or devices that replace missing teeth, enhancing function and aesthetics

Cleft Dental Care

Dedicated dental treatments designed for patients with cleft lip and palate, addressing unique needs for better oral health and functional improvements.

Happy Patients

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Office Hours

Monday - Saturday

9:30 AM - 5 PM

Our location

Ma. Clara Ave, Iloilo City Proper, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines

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